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Oklahoma City - An OSU Degree in OKC.

Employee Resources

Welcome new Faculty & Staff!

Benefits (Insurance, Retirement, Flex Plans, Paid-Time Off)

From your Benefit Focus page, you can review your current benefits, change voluntary retirement or HSA contribution amounts, and add or remove family members from your benefit plan through a qualifying Life Event change.
Life Event Change Instructions for Benefit Focus

Paid Parental Leave

Oklahoma State University is pleased to announce the pilot launch of OSU Paid Parental Leave effective Jan. 8, 2024.
OSU recognizes the importance of supporting new parents with time off to care for and bond with their child after birth, adoption, or placement of foster children.

OSU Paid Parental Leave supports employees by allowing the primary caregiver up to six weeks of paid leave and the secondary caregiver up to three weeks per qualifying event. This leave will be taken within the 12 weeks immediately following the date of birth, adoption or foster placement and may begin up to 30 days before the event. Employees who have worked for OSU for six or more continuous months are eligible to apply for this benefit.

Please see additional information and FAQs.

Contact Human Resources for the leave request form, or if you have questions.


Employees are now able to make changes to Direct Deposit as well as Federal & Oklahoma W-4 tax withholdings in Employee Self Service. Payroll Tax Withholding Forms and Instructions, Direct Deposit setup instructions

Employee Forms

Employee Wellness

Employee Tuition Waivers

Full-time members of the faculty and staff who enroll in OSU-OKC credit courses may receive a waiver of half the tuition and fees for up to 6 credit hours per spring or fall semester, and up to 3 credit hours for the summer semester. In addition, requests can be made for a waiver of the second half of tuition and fees upon completion of the course and verification of the final grade to the Financial Aid office. For eligibility and more information, please read the Tuition Waiver Benefit Information Sheet.

 Tuition Waiver Request Forms

If you are interested in taking courses on another OSU campus, be sure to check out their websites. The requirements and the amount of tuition or fee reduction offered will be different for each campus.

Employee Dependent Child Tuition Waivers

The benefit goes into effect beginning in the Spring 2024 term.  This benefit will not be provided to any employee prior to this term.

Beginning Spring 2024, dependent children of OSU - Oklahoma City employees will be eligible to receive a 100% undergraduate student resident tuition waiver for up to three credit hours for OSU - Oklahoma City courses.

Employee Discount Programs

OSU employees can enjoy discounts at local and national retailers including mobile carriers, local internet service providers, and other local business and restaurants. When setting up accounts or making your purchases, simply inquire if a discount is offered for OSU employees.

Employee Assistance Program / GuidanceResources login instructions for Employee Discounts

OSU-OKC HR Highlights

News You Can Use (Stillwater HR Newsletter)