Affirmative Action Resources
What is Affirmative Action?
Affirmative action is a government policy that seeks to remedy long-standing discrimination directed at specific groups, including women and racial and ethnic minorities.
The basic purpose of affirmative action policies and programs is to increase access to, and ensure the equitable distribution of opportunities in higher education, employment, government contracts, housing, and other social-welfare areas.
To this end, affirmative action provides regulations, procedures, and guidelines to assure that eligible and interested citizens receive equal consideration regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, religion, or age.
Affirmative action does not fully restrict all forms of discrimination or make them illegal. Rather, it attempts to redress historical inequities by providing traditionally underrepresented groups with more equal access to most public and private arenas. This access is regarded as "more equal" since it attempts to address years of inequities and inequalities within a short amount of time.
Oklahoma State University Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Policy and Procedures
OSU's Affirmative Action Plan
In accordance with federal law, OSU's affirmative action plan and OSU's plan for veterans' and persons with disabilities information is provided.
Veterans and Individuals with Disabilities Affirmative Action Plan
Minorities and Women Affirmative Action Plan