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Early Settlement Mediation Services – Oklahoma County Program

Early Settlement Mediation – Oklahoma County

What is mediation?

The Alternative Dispute Resolution System in Oklahoma is currently made up of 13 community-based mediation centers (Early Settlement) and 11 programs developed by state agencies. This system, which was authorized in 1983 and funded in 1985 by the state legislature through the Oklahoma Dispute Resolution Act (12 O.S. Supp. 1997, § 1801 et seq.), is administered and supervised by the Administrative Director of the Courts through his designee, the  Alternative Dispute Resolution System Director, with the ongoing input of the Dispute Resolution Advisory Board.

How does mediation work?

In mediation a neutral, third-party helps those in conflict define issues, explore solutions and reach practical, workable and mutually satisfactory agreements. Mediation seeks to prevent conflicts from escalating, saving everyone involved the time and expense of going to court.

Mediation is a process that can help all parties involved. Outcomes include:

  • Getting past anger, frustration, guilt or "desire to punish"
  • Clarifying their underlying, bottom-line goals
  • Seeing their "opponent's" feelings, viewpoints and goals
  • Cooperatively building a lasting, win-win voluntary solution
  • Creating an atmosphere of ongoing cooperation and efficiency

All mediations are handled promptly and confidentially.

Where and when are mediations held?

The mediation sessions are held in out-of-court settings, such as jury rooms, conference rooms, libraries, or other public meetings rooms. Every effort is made to schedule sessions at the convenience of everyone involved.

Who are mediators?

Mediators are community volunteers who have completed specialized training and are certified by the Administrative Director of the Courts. Mediators assist both parties in negotiating and solving their problems.

For more information, click here.

To schedule a mediation for Oklahoma County, click here.

For more information, contact: 

Lauren O'Brien MA 
Director, Early Settlement Mediation Services – Oklahoma County Program
Oklahoma State University - Oklahoma City
900 N. Portland Ave.
Oklahoma City, OK 73107
(405) 945-8664