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Federal Work Study

Eligible students can earn up to $12.00 per hour.

The federal work study program (FWSP) enables eligible students to be employed by OSU-OKC either on or off campus. This program is designed to give students the opportunity to work part-time to help meet the costs of their postsecondary education. Rate of Pay: $10.50 an hour for on-campus; $11.00 an hour for Community Service; and $12.00 an hour for Community Service tutoring positions. Students may work up to 20 hours per week depending on individual eligibility, which is determined through the Financial Aid office.


Four reasons why Federal Work Study is the way to earn money:

  1. Work hours are typically scheduled conveniently around your classes
  2. Money earned does not hurt your financial aid eligibility for next year
  3. Opportunity to network and gain skills to build your resume before graduation
  4. Participation in the FWS program may lead to full-time employment with OSU-OKC


Click here to view a step by step application process for FWS

Click here to see a list of available FWS jobs


Contact Information:

Regarding the awarding of FWSP:

Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships, Student Center, Room 100

(405) 945-8646 or (405) 945-8681 


Regarding the placement of FWSP jobs:

Human Resources, Administration Building, Room 210

(405) 945-3297