Campus Resources
Under state law, some individuals can assure the confidentiality of the victim. This includes counselors, health care providers, spiritual/religious counselors, and certified victims’ advocates. In general, however, other university employees cannot guarantee complete confidentiality, unless specifically provided by state law. The university must balance the needs of the individual victim with its obligation to protect the safety and well-being of the community at large. Depending on the circumstance of the alleged incident, a campus safety alert may be posted throughout the campus. These alerts never identify victims or assailants.
A sexual misconduct experience is most often an emotionally disruptive event. It takes time to come to terms with such a major stress. In addition to support that may be found in family and friends, the following agencies have professional counselors that can be of assistance, provide further information on the subject of sexual misconduct, and assist with the healing process.
OSU-OKC Victim Advocate- Confidential Reporting Option
OSU’s Victim Advocate that can confidentially provide students with information about on and off campus resources available to victims.
Counseling Resources- Confidential Reporting Options
Variety Health Clinic
Metro Locations
YWCA – Oklahoma City
2460 NW 39th Street
24-hour Crisis Line: 1-800-522-7233
Women’s Resource Center, Norman, OK
Rate Hotline: 405-701-5660
Women’s Service & Family Resource Center
121 N Evans Ave
El Reno, OK
Chickasha Women’s Service & Family Resource Center
Chickasha, OK
Shawnee Project Safe
1813 N. Harrison
Rape Hotline: 800-634-3020
Other Local Services Available To Victims - Non-Confidential Reporting Options
OSU-OKC Safety and Security Department
Business Technologies, 3rd floor – OSU-OKC Campus
Oklahoma City Police Department
219 E. Main, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
OSU-OKC Student Conduct
Title IX Coordinator
AD 212
Medical Services
It’s important to have a thorough medical examination after a sexual assault even if the victim does not have any apparent physical injuries. Medical providers can treat injuries and test for sexually transmitted infections.
Integris Baptist Medical Center
3300 NW Expressway
OU Medicine
N.E. 13th Street
Mercy Hospital Oklahoma
4300 W. Memorial Road
St. Anthony Hospital
1001 N. Lee Ave
Additional information on resources as well as educational information on sexual violence prevention can be found at Also, reference for more information and resources.
Reporting Resources
Incident occurred on campus contact: | OSU-OKC Office of Safety and Security | Business Technologies Building, Room 100 | 405-945-3253 |
Incident occurred off campus contact: | Oklahoma City Police Department | 700 Colcord Dr | (405) 297-1177 |
Student Conduct
Both students and non students can file a complaint against an OSU student that alleges a violation of OSU's Code of Conduct has occurred. These complaints are filed through the Student Conduct Office. Violations of OSU's Code of Conduct include sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, and stalking. The Code of Conduct provides for sanctions up to and including suspension of a student in cases where violations have occurred. The code of Conduct requires that complaints be filed within 180 calendar days of the alleged violation.
Additionally, Student Conduct can issue a "No Contact Order" between parties. This prohibits any contact between the victim and the accused for a specific period of time. Students are able to gain accommodations without filing a formal complaint.
Student Conduct can also assist students in making alterations to living arrangements, class schedules, on-campus work schedules, transportation, and other interim accommodations which are necessary to promote safety following an allegation of this nature.
Other Resources
OSU-OKC Affirmative Action/ Title IX Compliance
Administration Building, Room AD 212
Campus Behavioral Assessment Team
Daytime phone: 405-945-3298
After hours call OSU-OKC Safety and Security at 405-945-9111
Call 911 in the event of an emergency or if you need immediate assistance
The Behavioral CBAT Team is a specially trained group of professional staff members from several university departments with mental health, student development, law enforcement, academic, administrative and legal expertise. The team investigates and evaluates threats and other concerning behavior, implements strategies for managing individuals that may pose a threat of harm. The team’s goal is to work with all parties involved to effect a safe campus environment. If you see something, say something.