Student Conduct Process
Any student is welcome to stop by the Student Center, room 240 or call 405-945-9151 to obtain assistance in filing a complaint and learning more about our services.
Filing a Complaint
Anyone can report instances of sexual harassment and sexual violence to the Administration Building, room 212 or at 405-945-3298. A complaint should be filed as soon as possible, preferably within 180 calendar days of the incident. A complaint can be filed online at or in person in the Office of Human Resources.
If either the victim or the respondent are students, the incident will be addressed through the Student Conduct process once a complaint is filed.
The university strongly encourages individuals to report any instance of sexual harassment and sexual violence to the police.
Once You Have Filed a Complaint with Student Conduct
We want you to be knowledgeable about the process that occurs once a complaint with Student Conduct is filed. The following describes the investigation process, the hearing and the outcome of the hearing. Student Conduct will be available to explain the process as requested. The Student Conduct process will be prompt, fair, and impartial. This means the process will be completed within a reasonable timeframe as designated below and without undue delay. The process will be conducted in a manner that is consistent with the university’s policies and will be transparent to all parties. Lastly, the Student Conduct process will be conducted by officials who do not have conflict of interest or bias for the complainant or respondent.
- You will be notified of receipt of your complaint and the actions the university official will take.
- A university official will meet with you to discuss the complaint submitted, review the investigation and hearing process, and determine the outcome you desire from your complaint.
- An investigation will be conducted by a non-biased Title IX Investigator. This investigation will include:
- meeting personally with the complainant,
- meeting personally with the student(s) accused,
- meeting personally with any witnesses, and
- reviewing any documentary evidence.
- meeting personally with the complainant,
- The investigation of complaints will be adequate, reliable and impartial. The Title IX Investigator will compile an investigation report.
- The investigation process can take up to 60 days. If at any point either party would like an update of the investigation process all they need to do is ask and an update will be provided.
- The university official will determine if a conduct hearing is possible based on the available information.
- If it is determined that the university will proceed with a formal conduct hearing, the complainant and the responding student(s) will be notified of the hearing date.
- Hearing notification will occur at least five days in advance and include the hearing date, time and location. Hearings will be scheduled around academic schedules.
- Allegations of sexual misconduct and sexual harassment will be heard by the Conduct Committee Hearing Panel which is comprised of two faculty members, a staff member and two students.
- The hearing includes opening statements, presentation of the investigation report, information about the incident, presentation of information by witnesses, and closing statements.
- Each party is permitted to have a person of their choosing to accompany them throughout the hearing as an advisor.
- All parties are permitted to be present during the hearing (except during deliberations of the panel). All parties can be in the same room in a pre-arranged, non-threating set-up or in separate rooms with a video conference set up.
- All parties are permitted to make statements, present witnesses and information during the hearing. Witnesses and information need to be directly related to the incident.
- The standard of proof used in all university conduct hearings is preponderance of the evidence, which means the determination to be made is whether it is more likely than not a violation occurred. This is significantly different than proof beyond a reasonable doubt, which is required for a criminal prosecution.
- Possible outcomes include the entire range of sanctions listed in the Student Code of Conduct. When it is determined that sexual misconduct is more likely than not to have occurred, the outcome can include separation from the university.
- You have the right to be informed of the outcome. You will be notified within two business days after the hearing, at the same time the respondent is informed of the outcome.
- You have the right to appeal the decision reached through the hearing proceedings within seven business days after the hearing.
For more information, contact