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OSU-OKC Strategic Plan 2022-27

OSU-OKC Strategic Planning

  Strategic Plan 2022-27

The OSU-Oklahoma City Strategic Plan is available in Adobe Acrobat* format. You have the option of viewing, printing and saving the complete plan (PDF), or the individual sections of interest to you.

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Strategic Plan 2022-27

2022 Strategic Plan Launch

OSU-OKC began its launch of the 2022 strategic planning process Wednesday, February 23, 2022 with a virtual launch. During the launch, OSU-OKC Strategic Planning Co-Chairs President Scott Newman and Provost Pam Stinson introduced the Steering Committee as well as the process’ guiding principles and timeline. 

Strategic Planning FAQ

Strategic Forums & Survey Results

Survey Feedback on Strategic Plan Draft

Strategic Planning Process & Timeline

February 2022:

  • OSU-OKC Strategic Planning Steering Committee formed
  • Formal launch of strategic planning process
  • Initial strategic planning survey of core institutional constituencies
    • Guiding Statements Survey: 2/23 – 3/1
    • Strategic Directions Survey: 2/28 – 3/4

March 2022:

  • Steering Committee review of survey results
  • Open and directed forums to collect stakeholder input
    • In-person Open forums
      • 6:00 – 7:30 p.m., 3/22
      • 3:00 – 4:30 p.m., 3/24
      • 8:00 – 9:30 a.m., 3/25
    • In-person, Student-directed forums
      • 9:30 – 11:00 a.m., 3/28
      • 1:00 – 2:30 p.m., 3/29

April 2022:

  • Feedback synthesized into major categories for further refinement by working groups

May–June 2022:

  • Draft strategic plan* prepared

July 2022:

August 2022:

  • Strategic plan published and launched

December 2022:

  • Strategic Plan adopted by OSU Board of Regents
  • Strategic Plan mid-year update published

*Five-year, rolling strategic planning


Steering Committee:

  • Scott Newman - Co-chair
  • Pam Stinson - Co-chair
  • Ronda Reece
  • Ashley Mattison
  • Mathew Godwin
  • Lathonya Shivers
  • Tyler Maddry
  • TerJuana Brooks
  • Nabila Rawdah

