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Oklahoma City - An OSU Degree in OKC.

Instructional Methods

OSU-OKC Instructional Method Guide—OSU-OKC offers courses in a variety of formats to fit your learning style. Please see below the description of the learning method and in parenthesis the descriptions to look for in the course catalog. Download a PDF version of this infographic.

students sitting in a lecture hall

Traditional (TRAD)

Courses in which all instruction occurs face-to-face.


Online (WEB)

Courses in which 75-100% of instruction occurs online. Students may be expected to attend in person on campus a limited number of times (e.g. an introductory meeting with professor, scheduled proctored testing, lab, etc.) as noted in schedule.

student studying online, surrounded by smartphones, message bubbles, and computer windows


students standing on a giant laptop with a screen that looks like a big door leading to a classroom or library

Online (WEB MTG)

Courses in which 75%-100% of instruction occurs online but synchronously, meaning that students are expected to connect at designated times as noted in schedule.


Hybrid (HY)

Courses in which 25-74% of instruction time occurs online, with remaining instruction occurring face-to-face as noted in schedule.

students studying at a desk with a computer window and giant books in the background





Contact the Registrar

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