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Oklahoma City - An OSU Degree in OKC.

General Education Core

Many of the courses offered at OSU-OKC meet the general education core established by the Oklahoma State Regents of Higher Education (OSRHE) and are required of students attending any Oklahoma public higher education institution.  Courses that align across the state are listed on the state transfer matrix (Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education | Students | Transfer Students | Course Transfer ( and are reviewed regularly to ensure the competencies students learn in these courses are similar regardless of at which higher education institution in the state they take the class.  For courses not listed on the matrix, students can determine whether specific courses will transfer for degree credit or as an elective by consulting the academic catalog of the four-year institution to which the student is transferring.

Courses usually used to fulfill general education requirements are identified by code letters which appear following the course titles listed here and in the back of the catalog. The code letters designate the general education category for which the course may be used. Students should always check with the receiving institution to ascertain specific general education requirements.

General Education Codes

A - Analytical and Quantitative Thought
H - Humanities I - International Dimension
L - Scientific Investigation
N - Natural Sciences
S - Social and Behavioral Sciences

Prerequisite Codes

M - Mathematics
R - Reading and Reasoning
W - Writing
Sci - Science

Prerequisite - [R] [W] [M] [Sci]: Minimum college entry-level skills required in [R] reading, [W] writing, [M] math, and [Sci] science. See Explanation of Course Descriptions for detailed information.