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Oklahoma City - An OSU Degree in OKC.

General Education Data

The general education curriculum is designed to help students develop math, science and com­munication skills and gain a sense of social, and ethical and cultural values. OSU-Oklahoma City has developed five campus-wide student learning outcomes (CWSLO) that address knowledge and skills all students are expected to have at the completion of an OSU-Oklahoma City degree.

  1. Critical Thinking: Students solve problems by evaluating arguments or propositions and making judgments that guide the development of their beliefs and actions.
  2. Effective Communications: Students communicate effectively using organized and coherent written and oral presentations appropriate for the audience and situation.
  3. Computer Proficiency: Students use computer and network technologies to gather, analyze and communicate information.
  4. Civic Responsibility: Students engage in the community through activities effecting positive change in society and the environment.
  5. Global Awareness: Students display sensitivity to cultures across local, national and global communities.

Student accomplishment of these outcomes is assessed in each academic discipline and program.  The assessment of student learning plan, developed by the program faculty, includes identification of specific campus-wide learning outcomes addressed in the courses required for the degree program and identification of assessment methods to be used to evaluate student accomplishment of those learning outcomes. 

2022-2023 Annual CWSLO Assessment Report

2021-2022 Annual CWSLO Assessment Report