Catalog 2024-2025 (by sections)
About OSU-Oklahoma City
- Administration
- Oklahoma State University-Oklahoma City
- Technical Education Graduate Performance Guarantee
- Security
Student Life
Financing Your Education
Admissions Process and Academic Regulations
Degrees, Certificates and Course Descriptions
- Degrees and Certificates
- Explanation of Course Descriptions
- Abbreviations Used
- Course Descriptions
- Faculty Credentials
Continuing Education Opportunities
This catalog offers information about the academic programs of Oklahoma State University - Oklahoma City campus. It is as accurate as possible, but the information may not remain current for all of the academic year. The right is reserved to change any of the rules and regulations, courses, course content, credit, fees, regulations, semester calendar, curriculum, degrees offered and other college matters. Such changes are effective at such times as the proper authorities determine, and the changes apply both to prospective students and to those previously enrolled, unless the latter are specifically exempted.