New CANVAS page will share campus info for students
The Office of Student Engagement/Student Life has created a CANVAS page for all students to best access campus information. This course will replace the old platform Engage. The Student Engagement 2021 Canvas is free to students. It is an informational page to let students know what extracurricular events are happening on campus. All events are optional. This page is labeled ‘Student Engagement 2021’, and will appear on students’ dashboard with all other courses.
All campus organizations and clubs will have their own individual courses in CANVAS as well – they are all listed, with links, in the SE 2021 course under Modules à Menu. This is where students can go if you are interested in joining a campus club.
Students will need to opt in to this page.
“You should receive a request to join and will need to accept it in order to view the page,” said Christina Troxtell, director of student engagement. Troxtell said that if students do not want to clutter their dashboards, they can click Courses on the LMS menu on the far left and then Select All Courses; then the student can control which courses show up on the Dashboard – but they need to be sure the star is not orange next to the Student Engagement course.
“We hope this can provide an integrated and inclusive way for all of our campus to be aware of some of the great things we will be doing throughout the year,” Troxtell said.
Students with questions or concerns, please contact the Student Engagement office at: