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Students Overcoming Academic Roadblocks


Our Mission

Project SOAR (Students Overcoming Academic Roadblocks) is a Student Support Services, federally-funded TRIO program designed to promote educational access for underrepresented students. The main emphasis of the program is to provide a supportive and inclusive environment where OSU-OKC students can come for assistance in meeting their unique academic, personal, career, and social needs. The program’s mission is to help each student succeed in their classes, graduate, and transfer.


Who Qualifies?

You must be enrolled as an OSU-Oklahoma City student and in need of academic support. In addition, you must be classified as one of the following:

  • First-generation college student (neither parent has a four-year college degree)
  • Financially disadvantaged
  • Disability


How to Receive Services

Appointments and further information can be obtained by calling: 405-945-8627, visiting our office located in the Learning Resource Center, Office 219, or filling out our Preliminary Application.


Important SOAR Contacts

Important OSU-OKC Contacts

Other support resources



Ashley Brown

Major: Business Administration

"I came to OSU-OKC for a fresh start after my first year of college didn't go so well. Transferring to OSU-OKC was the best choice I have ever made about my education and I fall more in love with the school, Project SOAR and the people every time I step onto campus. The faculty and staff are amazing, caring, kind and truly want you to succeed, and help you in any way possible. The common goal is to graduate; everyone really helps push each other to reach our goals and helps each other whenever needed".


Michael Bell

Major: University Studies - Applied Technology

"Project Soar was a great resource to have at my disposal while in attendance at OSU/OKC. As a non-traditional engineering student and being 50 years old I had to completely learn how to study again, especially higher math courses like Calculus. I don't think I would have been able to acquire a scholarship from OSU- Stillwater if it were not for the assistance and support that I received from Project Soar. Just knowing that there is someone in your corner makes the educational process that much easier. Especially when you're a first-time college graduate in your family."


Karina Chavez

Major: Enterprise Development - General Studies

"My biggest regret about SOAR, was not joining it sooner! My time there was wonderful. SOAR is all about the students! I was always welcomed and offered resources that would help me succeed in college. At SOAR, I found help with my writing and science. I always had someone to speak to about school, my career, life, my day, and anything else you can think of! SOAR does bonding activities and classes on college life. I learned so much at SOAR, I received the greatest help and the best advice from the staff there. They made college easier for me, they gave me the resources for amazing opportunities. The doors are always open for you at SOAR. This is your family at school!"


Sharlene Dewane

Major: Public Service - Legal Case Management A.S.

"The best part about OSU-OKC is the help you can get from all the available programs such as Project SOAR and tutoring in the SSOC. Coming to OSU-OKC has been a life-changing event for me. It really has opened doors that I thought were out of my reach and impossible to open; OSU-OKC made my dream a more vivid one and possible."


Nathan Elliott

Major: Nurse Science A.A.S.

"Project SOAR has been a tremendous help to me during my college career. They helped walk me through my first semester with great results and have been heavily supportive ever since. The best part of OSU-OKC is that the campus is very conducive to my needs. The degrees earned at OSU-OKC come from a very credible source at a fraction of the cost at other schools. The faculty focuses on working with students to improve their learning environment as best as they can."


Lori Hasty


"I was so thankful to be a part of the Project Soar TRiO program. Tutoring with Anne Schank for English and Don Connel for algebra is the top reason I liked attending OSU-OKC along with the professors I had. Trish answered all my questions and helped me enroll into the program. While attending the university, Anne, Don and Trish were the family I needed to support my dream of a college education. Deborah treated me like a sister I never had, advising and mentoring me through my graduation in May 2014. I loved Project Soar so much that I made sure my daughter is a part of the TRiO program; Mashaela has become family to her."


Loretta Hatchett


"OSU-OKC was a great experience; I enjoyed the friendly atmosphere. Students should take full advantage of SOAR. I might not have graduated without their help and encouragement."


Kamala Hughes

Major: Enterprise Development A.S.

"All of the staff and faculty at OSU-OKC are amazing; they are all really there to help you achieve your academic goals. Their willingness to help is unlike anything you could find elsewhere. Every single one of them will help you, encourage you, and push you to do and be your very best. I love the smaller classes and the one-on-one attention that you might not get at a bigger university."


Lily Lopez

Major: Enterprise Development A.S.

"The best thing about the Project SOAR staff is that they are always willing to help me find the answers to my questions. I feel like I have support and people who are actually cheering me on to succeed. I am very grateful to be a part of the Project SOAR program. To the staff, ‘Thank you for always being there for me and for being so reliable.’ The best part about OSU-OKC is the class sizes. I get the help and attention I need from my professors; I am not just another student or number to them."


Karen Medina

Major: Management – Marketing A.A.S.

"Project SOAR has opened an abundant amount of doors and I am grateful for an organization where I can make a difference not only in my life, but also in other people’s lives as well. OSU-OKC is a college where if you speak up and stay active on campus, the school will reward you greatly. It’s like a big family that gives immense support all the time. OSU-OKC has given me the opportunity to have a voice on campus and make improvements as a student."


Kimberli Morton

Major: Nurse Science A.A.S.

"I came to OSU-OKC because the university has outstanding academic programing. The best part about OSU-OKC is being in the Project SOAR program; the program is great and they have professional employees who are very friendly and are always willing to help no matter what. The things that I get at OSU-OKC that I wouldn’t get at a bigger university are the personal relationships with my professors. They are all so kind and always available when I need them. The tutors also go above and beyond with the students."


Angela Perry


"Project SOAR encouraged me and did not allow me to falter. I have never in my entire academic journey worked with such a team of professionals that are dedicated to the success of their students. I remain in awe and view them as lifelong mentors that I hope to emulate. OSU-OKC's faculty and support staff are genuinely invested in the success of each student. They take the term 'can't' out of one’s vocabulary and replace it with 'I can' and 'I will.' The staff, faculty, tutors and support of OSU-OKC paved the path of my success today."


Reena Pothen

Major: Enterprise Development A.S.

"The best part of OSU- OKC is Project SOAR. The program is amazing. Deborah, Mashaela, Trish, Anne and Don are incredible, positive people that everyone should have in their lives. It truly feels like a family here at OSU-OKC. Within a semester you will know a lot of people and won’t feel as though you’re only coming to campus just for school."


Cheri Tointigh

Major: Enterprise Development - General Studies

"Going to OSU/OKC was the best decision I've made. It has truly changed my life for the better. Project Soar has helped me tremendously throughout my journey at OSU/OKC through tutoring, counseling, and advising and for that I am truly grateful. I couldn't have done it without them."