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HIST 1483 - U.S. History

HIST 1493 - U.S. History

POLS 1113 - American Government

SPCH 1113 - Speech & Communication

SPCH 2723 - Communication Competence


Printing your OER textbook with the OSU-OKC Print & Mail Services

  • Email your request to The subject line for your email should read “OER Print Request.” In the body of the email, state that you are an OSU-OKC student printing an OER textbook. 
    • Include your name, CWID, and phone number, plus the course title, course number, and CRN for your class (i.e. American Government POLS 1113 20457). Unless otherwise specified, all OER prints are 8.5” X 11” 3-hole punched, double-sided, black & white. Other options are available, but they cost more. Consider contacting Print & Mail Services with any questions. 
    • Once you have sent your email request, you are financially liable for the textbook. Even if you change your mind and decide not to pick up the text, you will be billed. 
    • You will receive an emailed invoice from Print & Mail Services with the cost and completion date. Print this invoice or take a screenshot on your phone. 
    • Most textbooks cost less than $25 to print through OSU-OKC Print & Mail Services. Final cost varies based on the number of pages printed; please contact Print & Mail Services if you need to know the cost of a book before you order it. The office number is 405.945.3369. 
  • Bring your invoice to OSU-OKC Business Services on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (between Project Soar and the Administration Suite). Pay for your print job and get a receipt. IMPORTANT NOTES REGARDING PAYMENT: No cards accepted. Cash or Check only please. Financial Aid may not be applied to this purchase. 
  • Take your receipt to Print & Mail Services to pick up your printed book. Print & Mail Services is on the 1st floor directly below Business Services, at the opposite end of the hall from the Wellness Center; take the elevator or stairs down and turn right.