The Pre-Professional A.S. degree provides the building blocks for a bachelor’s degree
in pre-professional programs including business, nursing & allied health programs
and STEM careers.
Why pre-professional studies?
Tomorrow’s in-demand, high-paying jobs require a tailored and flexible Pre-Professional
degree. This new program provides the basics necessary at a low cost and the flexibility
of online or in-person learning options you need today. Enroll for fall to earn your
Pre-Professional Associate in Science degree from OSU-OKC.
Today you are only one degree of separation from achieving your dream.
Our two year A.S. transfer program provides a seamless option to the college of your
choice, including Oklahoma State University in Stillwater. Earning your A.S. in Pre-Professional
studies provides the foundation you need for the professional career you deserve.
For more information, contact:
Dr. Hala Gheriani Dean, School of Professional Studies LRC 332 (405) 945-3222
Tamera Bell Administrative Assistant II School of Professional Studies LRC 331 (405) 945-6718