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Oklahoma City

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Policies & Procedures

  • Administrative Withdrawal Policy

    1.1 Attendance/Ongoing Academic Engagement has been proven to be a key factor in academic success. The OSU-OKC Community is in support of all faculty efforts to ensure that students in their courses are attending course meetings and/or participating in required course activities.

    1.2 The Administrative Withdrawal Policy is effective for all students enrolled in courses of any length. Students who do not comply with written syllabus attendance and/or ongoing engagement requirements may be administratively withdrawn from that course unless documentation or contact with their course instructor is provided.

    1.3 The AW Policy is subject to the following provision:

    • The AW Policy must be included in the course syllabus with specific language about the faculty member’s attendance/ongoing engagement requirements, in addition to a link to this policy. Students must be informed that their administrative withdrawal may have an impact on their Financial Aid awards and/or Enrollment status. Suggested wording for the syllabus follows:
      • "Administrative Withdrawal: A basic requirement of this course is that you will participate in all class meetings and conscientiously complete all required course activities and/or assignments. Keep in touch with me if you are unable to attend, participate, or complete an assignment on time. [Insert your specific requirements here. Example: If you miss more than half of the required activities within the first two weeks of the course without contacting me, you may be administratively withdrawn from this course. Example: Our course meets once/twice per week; thus if you miss more than two/four classes in the first four weeks, you may be withdrawn.]* Administrative withdrawal may have academic, financial, and financial aid implications. Administrative withdrawal may take place beginning week 3. If you are administratively withdrawn from the course, you will not be eligible for a tuition refund. This may result in a balance due to Business Services, which will prevent enrollment in future semesters until the balance is paid. If you have questions about the administrative withdrawal policy at any point during the semester, please contact me."
        *-reword to fit your particular class.
    • Administrative withdrawal may take place from week 3 through week 12, or equivalent during shorter terms (see the Campus Academic Calendar for specific dates). Students who are administratively withdrawn from the course will not be eligible for a tuition refund.

    1.4 The grade of AW may also be issued by the Vice President of Student Services when a student has been dismissed from the institution as outlined in the Student Rights & Responsibilities policies for student conduct.

  • Procedure for Administrative Withdrawal

    2.1 The instructor of record will attempt to determine the reason for the student missing class or not engaging. Students who are experiencing a hardship or extraordinary circumstance should contact the Registrar’s office regarding an Enrollment Appeal.
    2.2 The instructor of record initiates the administrative withdrawal process and has the right to stop the process at any time prior to the last day to withdraw during the term (see the campus Academic Calendar for specific dates).
    2.3 The instructor of record must use the Early Alert System in an attempt to refocus the student’s attention on their education and to get them back in the classroom and participating. To progress through the AW process, the Early Alert System must be used a minimum of once.
    2.4 If the early alert process does not result in the student timely contacting the faculty member, the AW form can be submitted to the Registrar through either a paper form or SharePoint. The faculty member will be responsible for entering reason for AW, date of last attendance, and attach a copy of their syllabus.


    The Administrative Withdrawal form is routed to a department/division designee for review to assure completeness of the documentation and to validate the faculty member’s assertions of violation of syllabus statement on attendance and/or ongoing engagement requirements. If the local representative does not feel that there is adequate evidence to proceed, they notify the faculty member. The faculty member can choose to edit the submission or choose to proceed with the AW process. Please note: If the faculty member requests the process to proceed, the reviewer’s comments may become a part of any grade appeal proceedings related to the awarding of an AW.
    2.5 Any student who asserts that they were participating and that they were withdrawn in error will be directed to the faculty member or division for resolution.

  • Definitions

    3.1 Drop: Removing oneself from a college course during the refund period. This action may result in a refund /no charge for the course dropped.
    3.2 Withdrawal: Removing oneself from a college course AFTER the drop/add period OR being administratively removed from a college course for attendance/behavioral issues. There is no refund for this action.
    3.3 Attendance: This is not an inclusive list, but a list of examples of attendance provided by the US Department of Education:


    • Physical attendance
    • Submission of an academic assignment
    • Examination, interactive tutorial, or computer-assisted instruction
    • Study group interaction assigned for the course
    • Participation in an on-line discussion
    • Initiation of contact with instructor to ask question about academic matters
    • NOTE: The specific requirements must be identified in the course syllabus

    3.4 Ongoing Academic Engagement: Students must show continued engagement with the course through discussions, assignments, and other coursework throughout the semester. This requires more than just attending class or logging into the online classroom. Note: The specific requirements must be identified in the course syllabus.
    Administrative Withdrawal Policy (PDF)

  • In-State/Out-of-State Status

    In-State/Out-of-State status for tuition purposes is determined according to Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education policy. Use the resources below to help determine whether you may qualify for in-state status.


  • Initial In-State/Out-of-State Classification

    Initial status is granted at the time of admissions based off of the information and documentation provided at the time of admission. Students can petition for reclassification of this initial status by submitting the Petition for In-State Status along with supporting documentation of that status. Petition deadlines are as follows:

    • Fall Semester: May 1 – October 31
    • Spring Semester: November 1 – March 31
    • Summer Semester: April 1 – June 30

    Please note that in-state reclassification (and associated in-state tuition) is not granted on a retroactive basis.

  • Frequently Asked Questions about Residency

    Will my status automatically change after living in Oklahoma for one year?

    No. It is the student’s responsibility to petition for re-classification once he or she has met the “Basic Definition of Resident Status”.


    If I am a dependent student, how is my residency determined?

    If a person is under the care, custody or support of a parent or legal guardian (claimed as a dependent on the parent/legal guardian's most recent Federal Income Tax Return), his or her state of residence will be generally considered that of the parent/guardian.


    Unless residency has been established in another state, an individual who resided in Oklahoma at the time of graduation from an Oklahoma high school and resided in the state with a parent/legal guardian for at least two years prior to graduation from high school will generally be eligible for in-state status.


    What are the general guidelines for in-state classification if I am an independent person responsible for my own care, custody and support (not claimed as a dependent on anyone else’s Federal Income Tax Return)?

    An independent person may be eligible for in-state status at his or her next term of enrollment once he or she has lived in the state for at least a year, not primarily as a student (individuals attending school on more than a half-time basis are considered to be in the state on a temporary basis and not to establish domicile), can document that he or she has provided for his or her own care and support, and can satisfactorily prove that he or she has come to Oklahoma to establish domicile. Domicile is a person's true, fixed, permanent home or habitation. It is the place where he or she intends to remain and to which he or she expects to return. A person can have more than one residence, but only one domicile.


    One of my parents lives out-of-state and the other lives in Oklahoma. What is my classification?

    If you have a non-custodial parent (one who you normally don’t live with) who is a resident of Oklahoma, you may be classified as an in-state student once a petition and statement with supporting documentation of primary care, custody, and support are submitted by the parent residing in Oklahoma.


    If my parents own property or a second home and pay Oklahoma state taxes, will I qualify for in-state tuition?

    No. Resident status is based on the location of your permanent domicile. This is considered to be your fixed, permanent home and where you (or your parents) habitually reside. Since domicile has two components, residence and intent to remain indefinitely, a person can have more than one residence but only one domicile.


    I have several close relatives who are Oklahoma residents. Can I reside with one of them and gain in-state status?

    No. Your residency is that of your parents/legal guardian. To qualify for residency, you will still have to meet the “Basic Definition of Resident Status”. If you have extenuating circumstances and a family member (other than a parent) supports and claims you as a dependent for tax purposes and is an Oklahoma resident, he or she may petition on your behalf by providing supporting documentation in the Petition for In-state Status.


    I am not a U.S. citizen but I have obtained permanent resident status with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Do I qualify to pay in-state tuition?

    Documented foreign nationals may be eligible for in-state status if they have been granted lawful permanent resident status by the USCIS and meet other requirements for in-state status as outlined above.


    I am not a U.S. citizen but am a documented foreign national. Do I qualify to pay in-state tuition?

    Documented foreign nationals with visas other than lawful permanent resident status are not eligible for in-state tuition as their stay is considered temporary. However, documented foreign nationals who are present with visas that allow full-time employment and can provide proof of having come to Oklahoma to practice a profession on a full-time basis, conduct a business full-time, or work on a full-time basis may be eligible for an out-of-state tuition waiver. Spouses and dependent children of these individuals may also qualify for out-of-state tuition waivers.


    Can I qualify for in-state classification if I am an undocumented foreign national?

    In accordance with Oklahoma House Bill 1804, students who cannot present OSU-OKC with valid documentation of U.S. citizenship or an immigration status permitting study at a U.S. institution but who have (1) graduated from a public or private high school in Oklahoma, and (2) resided in Oklahoma with a parent or legal guardian for at least two years prior to high school graduation, may be eligible for enrollment and an out-of-state tuition waiver if they file an Affidavit of Intent with OSU-OKC.


    My petition for in-state tuition was approved. Can I lose my residency status?

    Yes. If you establish residency in another state or if you are absent from Oklahoma for twelve months for purposes other than education. You will also lose your residency if OSU-OKC finds your resident status was granted on the basis of false or misleading information.