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The Honors Program at OSU-Oklahoma City provides opportunities for students to study, research, and exchange ideas in a challenging and supportive academic environment.

The designation of Honors credit on a student’s transcript indicates the student showed superior scholarship and pursued knowledge beyond the scope of the regular course of study offered in non-Honors classes.


Honors Program Awards

Honors Program Graduate

OSU-OKC graduates with fifteen hours of qualifying Honors credit will be eligible to receive a $500 cash award*. Up to five awards may be given each academic year. If there are more than five eligible recipients for the award, the Honors Committee will divide the available money among the eligible recipients. The Honors Committee Chair must notify Financial Aid no later than 15 days after commencement for students receiving cash awards. These students are considered Honors Program Scholar Graduates and are recognized at graduation with a cord and medallion, as well as have their names added to the Honors plaque.


Outstanding Honors Contract for Student and Faculty Mentor

The Honors Committee shall select the winner of the Outstanding Honors Contract on an annual basis. Eligible contracts for the award must be meet all requirements of the contract, and the course must be completed by the student with a minimum letter grade of B. The winning student will receive a $250 cash award*, and the student’s faculty mentor will also receive a $250 cash award. No Honors Committee member will be eligible to vote if a student in his/her course is competing. 


*Cash awards are disbursed to the student’s account and first applied to any balance owed. Any remaining funds are sent to the student according to their refund preferences on file with Business Services. 


OSU-OKC Student Leader Scholarship

This is a tuition waiver scholarship for up to 15 credit hours. The Honors Committee will develop rules for vetting student applicants in order to award the scholarship.


Please note: As the scholarship is waiver-based, the recipient must be eligible to receive a tuition waiver. Students who are already waiver recipients are not eligible. Communication with Financial Aid is imperative to ensure that the chosen recipient can benefit.


No student may receive more than one award annually.


Honors Program Eligibility

All applicants to the Honors Program must have completed all remedial classes for consideration.

A new freshman must have an ACT composite score of 23 or higher, or a high school grade point average of 3.5 or higher. Students other than new freshmen, but new to the Honors Program, will be eligible on the basis of their cumulative GPA:


  • Fewer than 30 college-level hours: 3.00 minimum cumulative GPA

  • Thirty or more college-level hours: 3.25 minimum cumulative GPA

*Students who do not meet the minimum eligibility criteria may petition to the committee for acceptance. A petition is a letter from the applicant, requesting Honors acceptance based on other merits, documentation, or rationale.*


Application to the Honors Program

Students wanting to participate in the Honors Program should apply to the Honors committee within the first two weeks of the semester. The Honors committee will inform the applicant of their decision no later than the third week of the semester. (Late applications may be considered, but a decision may not be made in time for the student to pursue Honors credit in that same semester.) Once a student is accepted into the program, they may enroll in Honors-designated sections or submit Honors contracts for approval in 1000 level or above courses offered at OSU-OKC. Students need only be accepted into the program once; they will remain in the program and be eligible to pursue Honors credit in every following semester as long as they meet the requirements for continued eligibility and are not removed from the program for disciplinary reasons.


For more information

Contact the Honors Committee at



Throughout the 1992-93 academic year, the Honors Program was initiated, designed and approved using several community college models and advice from the OSU-Stillwater campus. The program started offering classes and contracts in fall 1993.


The first two years students experienced participation through Honors contracts in classes across campus and disciplines, and the offering of Honors sections in humanities seminars that were team-taught.

At the beginning of the third year of the program, there was restructuring with the release of the Honors coordinator and creation of co-chairs to take on the leadership responsibility of the program.


During the tenure of the program, several changes were attempted to build support and participation in the program including dropping admission standards for participation, strictly defining accepted criteria for Honors work and the paying of a $500 stipend to students who graduated with 15 Honors hours. In fall 2005, the program underwent changes including rewriting the bylaws and establishing new admittance criteria.