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Faculty Make-Up/Accommodated Examinations


The Testing Center is here to assist you with a student who needs:

  • To make up an exam
  • A place to test due to technology issues
  • Special accommodations that cannot be met in the classroom or in an online format  

OSU-OKC students do NOT pay a proctoring fee for OSU-OKC course exams.


2-Step Process for Instructors

    • Read the Test Center Professor Exam Submission Process
    • Log into your Register Blast account
    • Need an account?  Enroll on the Register Blast site
    • Each exam requires an exam submission/guideline to be submitted with 
      • The instructions for the exam 
      • The names of the students who can take the exam
        • Names on the submission must match the name on the student’s ID
      • Any necessary documents  
    • Submit an exam submission by 1:00 p.m. one business day before the student needs to test.  If the student needs to test on Monday, the submission must be submitted no later than 1:00 p.m. on Friday.
    • Exam submissions must be approved by the Testing Center BEFORE any students can make an appointment to take the exam. 
      • Give us 24 hours to approve a submission, then have your students go online to schedule their appointment. They will have to enter their name exactly the way you entered it in the “Restrictions” on the exam submission.

Items to note for exam submission and processes

  1. Exam Submission must be submitted and approved BEFORE the student can make an online appointment.  
  2. All of the instructions for the exam and the type of exam must apply to all students listed on the submission.  
    • If any one of the students has different instructions or is testing for a different reason, they will need to be listed on a different submission.
  3. Students register for their exam online . 
    (It can take up to 24 hours for the exam to show for the student to be able to schedule their exam appointment, allow for this when setting dates for your exams, and telling students when they will be able to register for their exam) 
  4. No hats, caps, and other head covering or headgear, headbands, etc., except for religious reasons, are permitted in the testing rooms.  No jackets – rooms are kept at about 72 degrees.  Students need to dress appropriately
  5. Please make sure the students read the  Testing Center Policy
  6. Professor History Tab:  In your account, there is a History Tab that will show you which students have registered for an exam appointment, if they rescheduled or are a no-show, and when they have completed their exam.

Students will need to know

    • Students need to register for an appointment after the exam is submitted and approved.
    • OSU-OKC students do NOT pay a proctoring fee for OSU-OKC course exams.
    • Students MUST present an unexpired photo ID (OSU-OKC ID, driver’s license, or other government-issued ID). 
    • The student’s name on the ID must match the student’s name on the roster.  (If it doesn’t the student will not be allowed to test.  Please ask them to update their account in Records before coming in to test, and/or to get an OSU-OKC Student ID.)
    • Students MUST know their INSTRUCTOR’S NAME and the COURSE NUMBER and EXAM TITLE to take a test. 
    • No hats/head coverings or headbands bigger than ½ inch
    • No jackets – rooms are kept around 72 degrees – dress appropriately 
    • Students may not bring their children to the Testing Center while testing. 
    • Students may not eat or drink in the testing rooms. 
    • Students may not have cell phones or other electronic devices in testing rooms.  All phones and electronic devices must be turned off and stored in a locker. 
    • Any index cards/notes/charts the student may be allowed to use on the exam will be attached to the exam and NOT given back to the student.