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What is a micro-credential?

A micro-credential is a short-term, post-secondary credential designed to provide specific career critical knowledge, skills and competencies that can be readily transferred to the workplace. Micro-credentials take less time to earn than a traditional degree and can help you learn new competencies and advance your career.


What is a Digital Badge?

Students who successfully complete a micro-credential will earn a digital badge which they can share on their social media accounts (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, via email or embedded in a website). A badge is a digital representation of a learning outcome, experience or competency. 


OSU-OKC’S Micro-credential Offerings:

Program Credit/Non-Credit Time to Completion Delivery Method Associated Courses and Activities
Court Reporting Theory Non-Credit Months Online Complete the Mark Kislingbury theory (Modules I-III) with a score of 70% or greater of the court reporting program.
Court Reporting Academics Non-Credit Months Online Complete the academics portion (Modules IV-VI) of the Mark Kislingbury Court Reporting program with a grade of 70% or greater.
Court Reporting Speed Building Preparation Non-Credit Months Online Successfully complete Speed Building and develop speeds of 180 wpm Jury Charge and 200 wpm Question and Answer and/or 180 wpm Literary, 200 wpm Jury Charge, and 225 wpm Question and Answer.

Medical Billing

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Credit Months Online Successfully complete HCM 1173 Healthcare Billing, HCM 2123 Billing II Advanced Healthcare Billing, and BIOL 1012 Biological and Medical Terminology

Medical Coding

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Credit Months Online Successfully complete HCM 1183 Healthcare Coding, HCM 2133 Coding II Advanced HC Coding and Certification Test Prep, and BIOL 1012 Biological and Medical Terminology

Create and Grow a Business

Credit Months Classroom, Online or Hybrid Earn a C or better in ACCT 2103 Financial Accounting, MGMT 2103 Principles of Management and MGMT 2003 Small Business Management
Customer Service Credit Weeks Classroom, Online and Hybrid Earn a C or better in BUS 1523 Introduction to Business, BUS 2113 Business Communications, and MKT 2363 Professional Selling

Drone Exploration & Usage

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Non-Credit Days Classroom Successfully complete Drone workshop

FAME MCE-1 Safety Culture

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Credit & Non-Credit Months Classroom and Hybrid Credit: Successfully complete ENGT 1101 FAME MCE-1: Safety Culture. Non-credit: Successfully complete MCE-1 - Safety Culture course

FAME MCE-2 Visual Workplace Organization/5S

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Credit & Non-Credit Months Classroom and Hybrid Credit: Successfully complete ENGT 1201 FAME MCE-2: Visual Workplace Organization/5S. Non-credit: Successfully complete MCE-2 - Visual Workplace Organization/5S

FAME MCE-3 Lean Manufacturing

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Credit & Non-Credit Months Classroom and Hybrid Credit: Successfully complete ENGT 2301 FAME MCE-3: Lean Processes. Non-credit: Successfully complete MCE-3 - Lean Manufacturing

FAME MCE-4 Problem Solving

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Credit & Non-Credit Months Classroom and Hybrid Credit: Successfully complete ENGT 2401 FAME MCE-4: Problem Solving. Non-credit: Successfully complete MCE-4 - Problem Solving

FAME MCE-5 Machine Reliability

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Credit & Non-Credit Months Classroom and Hybrid Credit: Successfully complete ENGT 2501 FAME MCE-5: Machine Reliability. Non-credit: Successfully complete MCE-5 - Machine Reliability
Grants 101 - Finding and Applying for Funding Credit & Non-Credit Weeks Classroom, Online and Hybrid Credit: Earn a C or better in PSER 2103 Introduction to Grant Writing and Administration. Non-credit: Complete the Grants 101: Finding and Applying for Funding Training course with a minimum of 70% score
Grants 101 - Proposal Development Credit & Non-Credit Weeks Classroom, Online and Hybrid Credit: Earn a C or better in PSER 2103 Introduction to Grant Writing and Administration. Non-credit: Complete the Grants 101: Proposal Development Training course with a minimum score of 70%
Grants 101 - Post Award Administration Credit & Non-Credit Weeks Classroom, Online and Hybrid Credit: Earn a C or better in PSER 2103 Introduction to Grant Writing and Administration. Non-credit: Complete the Grants 101: Post-Award Administration Training course with a minimum score of 70%
Professional Selling Credit Weeks Online Earn a C or better in MKT 2363 Professional Selling and pass National Retail Federation Foundation Customer Service and Sales Certification Exam
Supervisory Skills Credit Weeks Classroom, Online or Hybrid Earn a C or better in BUS 1523 Introduction to Business, MGMT 2103 Principles of Management, and MGMT 2213 Human Resources Management


For more information about micro-credentials and digital badges, please contact

Evan Burkala

Vice Provost of Academic Affairs
