Online Medical Billing and Coding Course
For questions about COLLEGE CREDIT Medical Billing or Coding courses, contact the OSU-OKC Healthcare Management program.
Train to be a Certified Medical Billing and Coding Specialist
Medical billing and coding is one of the fastest growing work-from-home careers in the healthcare field! This 100% online course will prepare you for one of 3 certifications of your choice.
- Certified Professional Coder (CPC) exam offered by the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC)
- Certified Coding Associate (CCA) exam offered by the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA)
- Certified Billing and Coding Specialist (CBCS) exam offered by the National Healthcareer Association (NHA)
Job Outlook for Medical Billing and Coding Specialists
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), medical billing and coding specialists earn an average annual salary of $40,350 and work in one of the fastest-growing professions.
The BLS also estimates that at least 27,000 new jobs will be needed in this profession by 2026.
FAQs About Medical Billing and Coding
Medical coders translate patient care into current procedural terminology (CPT) codes. Their primary responsibility is to ensure that the medical services provided are accurately coded. Medical billers are responsible for creating a claim based on the codes a medical coder provides.
- WHAT ARE THE REQUIREMENTS FOR A MEDICAL BILLING AND CODING CAREER?Entry-level positions typically require completion of a certificate or an associate degree program in medical billing and coding. Additionally, medical billing and coding professionals must understand the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
- HOW MANY YEARS DOES IT TAKE TO BECOME A MEDICAL BILLER AND CODER?In most cases, it takes between one and three years to become a medical biller and coder. Earning a medical billing and coding certification can take up to one year. While earning an associate degree can take up to three years.
- CAN MEDICAL BILLERS AND CODERS WORK REMOTE?Yes. However, this will vary depending on the healthcare organization that one works for and their level of experience within the medical billing and coding profession.
- IS MEDICAL BILLING AND CODING A GOOD CAREER?U.S. News and World Report ranked medical records technician (professionals that perform medical billing, medical coding or both) as #9 on its list of “25 Best Jobs that Don’t Require a College Degree," #12 in “Best Health Care Support Jobs” and on the “The 100 Best Jobs” list.
Course Objectives
- Learn how the CPT Category II codes and ICD-10 codes work and how to assign them in common medical billing and coding procedures.
- Be fully prepared to sit for the CPC exam, offered by the American Academy of Professional Coders.
Prerequisites and Requirements
- There are no prerequisites to take this course.
Learn common medical terminology of the body and how it relates to diagnostic procedures, nuclear medicine and pharmacology
- INTRODUCTION TO MEDICAL BILLING AND CODINGOverview of medical billing and coding in today’s healthcare system
- HEALTHCARE LAWHow HIPAA, the False Claims Act and the Stark Law protect health information
- INTRODUCTION TO HEALTH INSURANCE TERMSHealth insurance terms, healthcare provider terms and third-party reimbursement methods
- PHARMACOLOGY FOR CODERSDefinition of pharmacology, drug classifications and routes of administration
- ICD-10-CMOverview of ICD-10-CM, as well as coding guidelines, conventions and steps for assigning ICD-10-CM codes
- CPT AND HCPCS LEVEL II CODINGHow the Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) and CPT Code Book work, and steps for assigning CPT and HCPCS Level II codes
- ABSTRACTING INFORMATION FROM MEDICAL DOCUMENTSCoding from soap notes, consultation reports, operative reports, emergency room records and procedure reports
- NEW PATIENTS, INSURANCE CLAIMS AND EOBSElectronic, paper and hybrid medical records, practice management software and developing insurance claims
- SUBMITTING ELECTRONIC CLAIMS AND CMS 1500Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), electronic claims submission and the National Uniform Claim Committee
- BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELDWorking with participating and nonparticipating providers
- MEDICAREUnderstanding Medicare, parts A, B, C and D
- OTHER HEALTHCARE PROGRAMSMedicaid, TRICARE, CHAMPVA and workers' compensation
- ICD-10-PCS (OPTIONAL LESSON)Overview, code structure and definitions of ICD-10-PCS
- SURVEY OF HOSPITAL BILLINGHospital revenue cycle, chargemaster, master patient index and prospective payment systems
- CAREER ROADMAP FOR MEDICAL BILLING AND CODING – FIND A JOB FASTMarketing your skills and talents, creating a résumé and cover letter, interviewing and salary negotiation
Registration and Enrollment
- This course is 100% online.
- Start anytime.