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What if the weather gets bad?

OSU-OKC officials want to remind staff, faculty, and students about our severe weather policy. Any decision to close the campus or to cancel classes because of severe weather or other adverse conditions will be made as early as possible. Local news stations will be contacted immediately when a decision is made to close the campus or delay opening. If and when an announcement is made that the campus is closed, this includes all classes and any events, activities, or conferences scheduled for the day.


The fastest way to get weather closing information is through social media sites. Check OSU-OKC’s social media sites, Facebook or Twitter, or for the most current updates on campus closings or delayed classes.


In some cases, emergency messages such as weather closings will be broadcast through phone text and voice messages. We encourage everyone to provide your emergency contact telephone number through OKey. Because of the high volume of traffic through phone carriers, these messages can be delayed. Therefore, we encourage you to check social media sites, websites, and local weather channels for the most updated information.


OSU-OKC Storm Refuge Locations

Below are the locations to refuge while at OSU-OKC. Remember to look for the red Emergency Storm Refuge signs posted.


Please note that not all areas are signed. Employees are encouraged to know the nearest location to their office (and classrooms) in the event of an evacuation.


What Should I Do During Inclement Weather? 

  • Earthquake-Generally No Warning

    While inside building:

    1. Duck and cover (see next section below) underneath desk or table.
      1. Be cautious of computers and other equipment. In an earthquake, items on a table or desk are likely to fall off. Computers and other equipment can start fires.
    2. Stay clear of windows or glassed-in areas.
    3. Stay clear of anything hanging on ceilings or walls that may fall and cause injuries.
    4. Do not leave the building during the quake as there is extreme danger exiting or entering buildings.
      1. If there is not a desk or table available and there is a door without windows in the area (i.e. interior classroom or closet door) take cover in the doorframe. Stand with your back to one side of the doorframe and brace your arms on the opposite side.

    Duck and Cover position:

    1. Get on your knees with your chest to your knees.
    2. Put your forehead to the floor.
    3. Your elbows should be touching the floor.
    4. Clasp your hands behind your neck.
    5. If possible hold on to a leg of the desk/table (wrap your arm around the leg then clasp your hands behind your neck).

    While outside building:

    1. Remain outside, preferably in a vehicle.
    2. If not in a vehicle, take the duck and cover position in an open area.
    3. Stay clear of electrical wires, poles, trees or anything that might fall.

    When the earthquake has stopped, remember that there are usually aftershocks for several hours after the original quake which can be as powerful, more powerful or weaker than the original earthquake. Even a weak one can cause severe damage after a larger quake. Also keep in mind, the first earthquake may be a fore shock to a more powerful earthquake.


    After earthquake:

    1. Evacuate buildings to an open area in safest way possible - DO NOT USE ELEVATORS
    2. Do not allow people to enter buildings until buildings have been inspected for hazards or structural damage (brick buildings can be very dangerous, when walking near a brick building be extremely careful)
    3. Be sure to check for fires, gas and water leaks, downed electrical wires, trees, and anything else that could cause injury.

    More Information Can Be Found Here:

    For CCERT Members:

    To-Do List - After An Earthquake!

    • Make sure you get your shoes on, there may be considerable glass shards and other objects that could injure your feet. Medical attention may not be immediately available, so this is a bad time to hurt yourself through negligence.
    • Do not move anyone who is seriously injured unless other danger is imminent. Contact Security immediately to report the injury. If possible, let trained medical personnel make this judgment.
    • If you join rescue work, tread warily as building foundations will be weak and there is the possibility of an aftershock.
    • If you think that there may be damage to utilities then shut them off.
    • Use your cell/radio to find out information about the quake, what other dangers might be lurking and what to do about them.
    • Avoid tying up communication lines. Unhung phones can cause systems to shut down, so be sure to hang up all phones.
    • Be judicious about leaving your present location to search for loved ones or to travel home. Moving about just after an earthquake can bring you up against unexpected hazards like broken gas mains, impassable roads and downed power lines.
  • Severe Weather - Tornado

    First, be prepared and have a plan

    • Listen to local radio.
    • Watch local television stations.
    • Use a weather app for the more current weather reports for Oklahoma City.
    • Make sure your phone is charged.
    • Know your closest weather refuge or safe place.


    What to know about Outdoor Warning Sirens

    • The City of Oklahoma City tests the outdoor warning sirens every Saturday at noon. If the weather is stormy that day, they will not test the sirens. Outdoor warning sirens are intended to alert people outside to take cover from the storm. For alerts indoors, consider getting a NOAA Weather Radio. It is like a smoke detector for severe weather.
    • Tornado sirens will sound off in a three- to five-minute blast when there is a tornado warning. A second blast indicates a second or repeated warning.
    • The siren system does not use an all-clear alert.
    • If you need assistance or accommodation, contact OSU-OKC Security at 405-945-9111.


    When you first hear sirens...

    • If the sirens are sounding, it is too late to seek another shelter. Go to the nearest Severe Weather Refuge or go to the lowest floor you can in the building you are
      currently in. Don't leave for another building.
    • Look for a room without windows or exterior walls.
    • Put as many walls between you and the outside as possible.


    Once you find a room to shelter in...

    • Sit on the floor with your back to the wall or in the middle of the room.
    • Get under a sturdy piece of furniture, such as a table or desk.
    • If a storm strikes, put your head between your knees and cover the back of your head with your hands.


    If you are outside...

    • Look for shelter in the closest building.
    • If entering a building is not possible, look for a ditch or another low-lying area.
    • Stay away from anything that may fall and cause harm, for example, trees, power lines, and so forth.