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OSU-Oklahoma City Tobacco-Free Policy


OSU-Oklahoma City is committed to the promotion of wellness and healthy living for its employees and students. Part of that commitment involves taking a role in discouraging the usage of tobacco in the following ways:


  • By prohibiting its use on campus
  • By offering information on cessation programs
  • By offering educational materials on the dangers of Oklahoma’s biggest public health issue and leading cause of death

Tobacco-Free Resources

OSU Employee Assistance Program


ComPsych® provides Employee Assistance Program (EAP) services for Oklahoma State University. Your GuidanceResources benefits will give you and your dependents confidential support, resources and information for personal and work-life issues. These services are provided at no charge to benefits eligible employees and their dependents.


Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oklahoma


Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline


American Cancer Society


American Lung Association




Tobacco Free U


Did you Know?


The benefits of quitting smoking can be seen almost instantly. 


Time after the last cigarette Benefit
20 minutes Blood pressure and pulse return to normal.
8 hours Oxygen levels in the blood return to normal.
24 hours Carbon monoxide is eliminated from the body. The lungs start to clear out the mucus.
48 hours No nicotine is left in the body. Taste and smell improve.
72 hours Breathing becomes easier as the airways open up. Energy level increases.
2-12 weeks Circulation improves making walking and running easier.
3-9 months Coughs and breathing problems improve as lung function improves by 90%.
5 years The risk of heart attack falls to about half that of a smoker.
10 years Risk of lung cancer falls to about half that of a smoker. Risk of heart attack is about the same as a lifetime non-smoker.