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College is a stressful time for students and it's common to experience sadness, overwhelming stress, and/or crisis during your college years.  These experiences will range in severity but can affect a student’s well-being and success at Oklahoma State. Being aware of signs of distress and resources on campus can help in handling situations where your colleagues need assistance. You play an important role at Oklahoma State University in providing resources to support student success. If you see something and it doesn't feel right, say something by submitting a Care Report. 


Care Report Form


Submitting a Care Report allows for university administrators to address any concerns and support student’s success. Online reports should only include objective, observable, and factual information. We ask that you avoid labels, stereotypes, and reporting based on hearsay or mere assumptions. Call 405-945-3346 if you have questions. Reports will be reviewed and assigned to the Care Team or Campus Behavioral Assessment Team. A representative will reach out to the person of concern as appropriate. To respect the student’s privacy rights, the reporter will typically not be informed of the interactions with the person of concern.


How Can I Help?


If you see something, say something. The vigilance of all community members is critical in keeping the campus safe. We are unable to mitigate a situation until we are aware of it. The university expects all members of our community to act quickly and responsibly if they hear or see something that is out of the ordinary. It is important to report any concerns, even if they seem minor. Do not assume someone else will call and remember to follow the 3 R's below. 

  • Recognize

    Below are indicators that will help you identify a student of concern. Pay attention to persistent behaviors, sudden changes, and the duration of the signs.

    Indicators Examples
    Academic Sudden decline in quality of course work and/or grades Lack of organization skills Multiple requests for extensions on assignments Overly demanding of faculty/staff’s time and attention Unusual content in writings or presentations Your conversations tend to be more about personal topics rather than academic.
    Physical Significant changes in physical appearance (grooming/hygiene, weight loss/gain) Excessive loss of sleep or fatigue Consistent intoxication, hangovers, or the scent of alcohol Seems to be disoriented or “out of it” often Disconnected or slurred speech Strange behavior that is out of context Delusions or paranoia.
    Psychological Concern from peers Extreme emotional response to events Excessive crying or panicked reactions Unusual irritability Heightened apathy towards things they normally cherish or look forward to Disclosure of personal issues (family or financial issues, grief, suicidal ideation).
    Safety Risk Physical violence towards others (shoving, grabbing, assault, use of weapons) Implying or making direct threat to harm self or others Themes of hopelessness, rage, worthlessness, despair, suicidal ideation, etc. found within academic assignments Stalking or harassing others Communicating threats of others or self.
  • Respond

    Stay Safe: Call the police or 911 if there is an imminent danger to the student, you, or anyone else.

    Stay Calm: Take a few deep breaths to calm yourself. Use a calm voice when talking and asking questions.

    Use Active Listening: Make eye contact and give your full attention. Restate what the student says to make sure you understand what is causing the distress and/or what they are asking for help with.

    Ask Direct Questions: Don’t be afraid to directly ask the student if they are having thoughts of harming themselves or others (by asking, you are not instilling the thought).

    Use OARS to help an individual who may be struggling.

    • Open-Ended Questions - Ask questions that require a full answer
    • Affirmations - Acknowledge the individual’s distress without judgment
    • Reflective Listening - Understand what an individual says and feels and then relay this back to them
    • Summarize -Validate the individual for seeking help. Determine if you can provide assistance at that time and encourage them to connect with support resources on campus.
  • Refer

    Is Immediate Assistance Needed?

    Yes Not Sure No
    Behavior that is severely disruptive, directly impacts others, and is actively dangerous including life-threatening, self-injurious behaviors. Behavior is at an elevated state and is increasingly disruptive or the behavior is related to impaired ability to manage oneself, emotions, and actions. The vast majority of students will experience stress in college. However, some students may experience additional needs when these stressors are accompanied by multiple stressors at once, a lack of coping skills, or have limited or no support network.
    1. Call 911 for immediate response or call OSU-OKC security at 405-945-9111. 1. Submit a Care Report or call the Health and Wellness Counselor for guidance. 1. Check in with student and refer them to appropriate campus resources.
    2. Submit a Care Report. 2. The report will be reviewed and sent to the appropriate office and staff to address the concerns. 2. If you feel the student needs more support, submit a Care Report for case management services through Student Support & Conduct.


Resources and Support

Health and Wellness Services

Campus Behavioral Assessment TeamDisability Services 


Call SAM (Student Assistance by Mercy): 855-225-2SAM (2726) has licensed counselors available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to respond to crises and provide referrals and consultations.