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About Training and Development Center


OSU-OKC Training and Development Center is a business services resource for you and your organization. Our mission is to improve the work-related skill levels of the workforce in our community. We have a host of partners from academia and industry who can serve as trainers or consultants for your particular needs.


Our method of delivery includes contract training, seminars, non-credit classes and a variety of consulting services. We can design programs tailored to meet your company’s needs.


We offer our campus as your location for training or consulting needs or will come to your organization and provide services onsite. Want to know more? Click on the links or call 405.945.3383.

Training and Development Center

900 N. Portland Ave., AD 239
Oklahoma State University-Oklahoma City
Oklahoma City, OK 73107
405-945-3383 |


Courses Available

We have a wide variety of courses available to help with your professional development and training. Take a look at the selection below and find what's right for you! If you are looking for or have questions about college credit courses, please contact OSU-OKC Advisement.