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Fire Academy

OSU-OKC Fire Academy

Fire academy course offerings: 

OSU-OKC offers three fire academies per year. 

  • The first daytime academy is held during the Spring semester and typically begins the fourth week of January and ends in mid-May.

  • The second daytime academy is held during the Summer semester and typically begins the third week of May and ends in July.

  • The third daytime academy is held during the Fall semester and typically begins the fourth week of August and ends in mid-December.

Fire Academy 1Fire academy options: 

The student has the option of enrolling in a 14-week daytime fire academy session.  

  • The Spring Fire academy meets Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. for 14-weeks.

  • The Summer Fire academy meets Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. for 10-weeks. The Summer fire academy is designed for students that have earned their EMT certification or would like to earn their firefighter certifications during the summer and then return in a later semester for EMT.  The summer semester also works well for high school students as they can attend the fire academy during the summer break of their Junior/Senior year and then return for their EMT class the following summer after they complete their senior year of high school.

  • The Fall Fire academy meets Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. for 14-weeks.

Certificate and Degree program: 

The student has the option of enrolling in the Firefighter certificate program or the Fire Protection degree program. 

  • The certificate program is the 21-credit hour Fire Academy and EMT certificate.  Due to the short duration of the program it is not eligible for financial aid.

  • The degree program is 61 credit hours and includes the firefighter academy in the degree program.  Due to the length of the degree program it is eligible for financial aid.

Degree Sheet(s)

Degree Sheet (PDF)Firefighter Certificate

Degree Sheet (PDF)Fire Protection A.A.S.

Admission Criteria: 

  • Must make application and be accepted as a student at OSU-OKC.

  • Must be 16 or older to enter the fire course portion of the fire academy.


  • A student must achieve a minimum of 70% in each Fire course to be eligible to sit for the certification exams.

  • Students can earn IFSAC certification in Firefighter 1 & 2, Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations, and course completion certificates in Flammable Liquids and Gas Emergencies, and Basic Auto Extrication.

  • Students that enroll in the EMT program will qualify to sit for NREMT certification upon successful completion of the EMSP coursework. For more information about the EMT program, please visit this link:

Tuition and Fees: 

In state tuition for OSU-OKC is currently $157.45 per credit hour (2023). 

  • The Fire academy consist of 10 credit hours which would approximate to $1,574.50

  • IFSAC national certification testing fees are approximately $600.00

  • Firefighter gear rental $990.00. Students may use structural firefighter gear from their fire department provided it is NFPA compliant and the student provides written authorization from their fire chief to use that gear during training at OSU-OKC.  OSU-OKC is not liable for any damages that occur during firefighter training. 

Out of pocket expenses: 

All costs are an approximation based upon the prices and options available at this time. 

  • OSBI background check required by the first day of class. Copy and paste to your browser Cost is $15.00

  • Books for the Fire Academy are approximately $160

  • Uniforms for the Fire Academy are approximately $250

How to Apply: 

  • GET ADMITTED!  There is no application fee.  Apply online at or fill out the application at
  • APPLY FOR SCHOLARSHIPS.  For a full list of OSU-OKC Scholarships, visit:
  • APPLY FOR FINANCIAL AID. Fill out the FAFSA form online at  OSU-OKC’s School Code: 009647
  • ENROLL WITH YOUR ADVISOR. Congratulations! You are accepted. Now you can meet with an Academic Advisor and map out your class schedule.

How to enroll in classes: 

  • Go to MY.OKSTATE.EDU student portal
  • Log in with your O-Key username and password
  • Click on the Self-Service icon on the HOME Tab
  • If you don’t have access to your portal, visit
  • Click on the STUDENT tab
  • Click the Registration link
  • Click “Add or Drop Classes”
  • Select the Term and click the Submit button
  • If you have the Course Reference Numbers (CRNs), you can type them in the boxes and click Submit

Pre-Academy course work: 

To prepare for Fire and EMT courses the student should complete the following online courses and submit the completion certificate to the class Canvas page on the first day of class. Please use the links to access the content and remember that these sites are administered by FEMA and not OSU-OKC so if the student encounters difficulties accessing the site, they will need to contact the FEMA website administrator.  

If the student has previously completed this coursework, they can upload their previous completion certificate and will not need to complete the coursework again. 

Sports Physical: 

Firefighter training is arduous, and the student needs to be assured that they can meet the physical fitness requirements needed to complete the OSU-OKC firefighter training program.  Please use this form to complete a sports physical with your physician.  The completed sports physical form will be turned in on the first day of fire classes. 

For More Information Contact:

Maribeth Dawson
Academic Advisor

Schedule an appointment!

Joe Bennett
Director, Fire Protection
BT 301E