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Oklahoma City

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Student Profile & Retention Data

Applications are evaluated using a points-based system based on an applicants academic qualifications and performance. Use the following guidelines to calculate your admission point total. The following factors are considered in selecting these students:


  • Pre-requisite Coursework

    Prerequisite and General Support related courses that differ from the courses listed on the programmatic degree sheet must be approved as an equivalent prior to submitting a program application packet.


    All General Education and Support/Related Courses on the degree sheet with a grade of "C" or higher will be included in the points tabulation.


    Points are given to collegiate coursework that is satisfactorily completed (with a grade of ‘C’ or higher). No points will be awarded for coursework below a grade of C, not attempted, or in-process. 


    Pre-requisite Course Grades
    Letter Grade Points (per credit hour)
    A 4
    B 3
    C 2
    D-F 0

    To earn the most application points possible, it is required that all Gen Ed and support related courses be completed prior to submitting a Program Application.  Any course work completed with AP credit, CLEP, or Pass will be awarded 2 points per credit hour for the course. Any pending summer course work will not be included in the points calculation for the programmatic application packet. It is required to apply only after all coursework has been completed.


    It is required that the following prerequisites and support related coursework be completed prior to submitting a program application: 


    • College Algebra, Mathematical Functions and Their Uses, or higher math course
    • General college level physics
    • English Comp I
    • English Comp II * or Introduction to Technical Report Writing
    • Human Anatomy and Physiology
    • Biological and Medical Terminology
    • American Government
    • US History to 1865 or since 1865


    *The communication skills prerequisite may be met by a variety of courses including English and Technical Writing. This wording refers to our English Composition I and II prerequisite requirements.


    It is strongly recommended to apply to the program after you have completed all the above required (CAAHEP) prerequisite and support course(s) with a grade of ‘C’ or higher. 


    Points are given to collegiate coursework that is satisfactorily completed (with a grade of ‘C’ or higher). No points will be awarded for coursework below a grade of C, not attempted, or in-process. 


    List of the Radiologic Technology Prerequisites: 


    • College Algebra, Mathematical Functions and Their Uses, or higher math course
    • Introductory Psychology
    • English Comp I
    • English Comp II * or Introduction to Speech Communications
    • Human Anatomy and Physiology
    • Biological and Medical Terminology
    • American Government
    • US History to 1865 or since 1865


    Students may submit an application to the program after they have completed all the above required prerequisites with a grade of ‘C’ or higher. 


    Points are given for collegiate coursework that is satisfactorily completed (with a grade of ‘C’ or higher). No points will be awarded for coursework below a grade of C, not attempted, or in-process. 

  • TEAS Admission Test

    When applying to the program, a Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) ATI is required. A new TEAS ATI test is required for each year an applicant applies to the program. The TEAS ATI test must be taken within the same year the student is applying to the program. An Applicant is allowed two attempts at the TEAS ATI in a rolling 12-month period, but no less than 90 days after the first attempt.


    There is no cut-score for the TEAS ATI exam. However, a TEAS ATI Score of 70 or above is required to earn a competitive number of points. 

    TEAS  Grades
    Grade Range Points 
    95-100 50
    90-94.99 45
    85-89.99 40
    80-84.99 35
    75-79.99 30
    70-74.99 25
    69.99 < 0


  • Grade Point Average (College courses)

    A Cumulative Grade Point Average of 2.5 or above is required to qualify to apply to the program. A Cumulative GPA of below 2.5 will not be accepted. 

    Points are only assigned to Cumulative GPAs of 2.5 or above. 

    GPA Point Scale
    GPA Points 
    3.5-4.0 15
    3.0-3.49 10
    2.5-2.99 5
    0.0-2.49 0

    Radiologic Technology

    3 year - Program Applicant Acceptance Data*

      Highest Lowest Average
    GPA 4.0 2.5 3.08
    TEAS Score 90.7 66 76.33
    Overall Points 158 111 131
  • Bonus Qualifications

    Applicants earn one point for each prerequisite taken at OSU-OKC for a maximum of 8 points.


    Total bonus points possible: 8


    Program Prerequisite, Gen Ed, and Support Related course work taken at any Oklahoma State University Campus location will be included in bonus point qualifications.

  • Frequently Asked Questions

    • Why do I need to take general and related courses?
    At OSU-Oklahoma City, you will earn an associate in applied science degree with a major in Radiologic Technology. The general and related courses required for this degree will assist in providing you with the knowledge and skills you need to care for your patients and will assure that you meet the requirements of the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education for earning a college degree. (See important points of consideration when applying).
    • Will courses taken at other universities transfer to the OSU-OKC Radiologic Technology program?
    General education courses such as English Composition, History and American Government will usually transfer if they are three credit hour courses. Science courses must be a minimum of four credit hours. It is strongly recommended to call our Admissions Department to ensure course transferability and/or our advisement department to undergo advisement for any remaining required prerequisite coursework. Please call the listed departments before calling our Radiologic Technology office. The University Admissions Department can be reached at 405-945-3224 and the Health Sciences academic advisor can be reached at 405-945-3313. Click here to check course equivalency.
    • How long will it take to complete the Radiologic Technology program?
    The program is designed to take five (5) semesters to complete starting from the time you are actually admitted into the program and take your first radiography course.
    • Can I "Fast Track" the radiologic courses?
    You cannot double up on the radiography courses because each course builds upon the previous course. Even if you have all of your support and related courses completed or have a degree in another field, it will still take 5 semesters to complete the radiography program.

    • How do you determine who is going to be accepted?
    Admission to the Radiologic Technology program is based upon a points system utilizing the following criteria: Cumulative GPA (Grade Point Average), Admission Assessment Examination (TEAS) Results and College coursework complete. Bonus points are given for course pre-requisites taken at OSU-OKC. If there are any applicants with equal amount of points, a Supplemental Achievements and/or Skills Narrative Letter will be evaluated for selection into the program class. Therefore, it is suggested that Supplemental Achievements/Skills Letter include information such as previous collegiate degrees, medical experience, and community involvement/volunteer work.

    • What are the application deadlines? For more information, call the department at 405-945-8698.
    Applications will be accepted March 1 - May 31 annually

    • Do I have to take the TOEFL Test if I want to attend OSU-OKC?
    If English is your second language, you will be required to take the TOEFL. The test is administered at the following location:

    Prometric Testing Center
    2224 NW 50th St.
    Oklahoma City, OK 73112

    • What do I do if I am not accepted?


    Submit a new program application, a current National Background check, and update any official college transcripts of courses not taken on the OSU-OKC campus. If your GPA is less than 2.5, make an appointment with the Academic Advisor, Mr. James Anderson, for academic counseling. Below are some suggestions for improvement:


    • Complete your general education and support related coursework with a grade C or higher.
    • Take courses at OSU-Oklahoma City for bonus points.
    • Take/retake science courses (be careful about scheduling multiple science courses at the same time as this can overwhelm you).
    • Maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or greater to qualify for program application eligibility.
    • Improve your cumulative GPA, by taking supplemental coursework, to earn more points on your GPA.
    • Radiologic Technology Majors may take the TEAS ATI exam two times in a rolling 12-month period. The highest score will be accepted. Applicants must wait at least 90 days prior to retaking the exam. A new TEAS ATI exam is required for each application year that you are applying. A TEAS ATI Score of 70 or above is strongly recommended to earn a competitive number of points.

    • How often does the Radiologic Technology program admit students?


    The OSU-Oklahoma City Radiologic Technology program admits a class every year for the fall semester. Up to 20 students are admitted each year with the applicant pool varying from 60 to 100 applications. The accepted number is commensurate to the number of clinical rotations that we have available to offer the students.

    • What is the job outlook for a Radiologic Technologist?


    According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, overall employment of radiologic technologists is projected to grow 6 percent from 2021 to 2031, about as fast as the average for all occupations. About 16,600 openings for radiologic and MRI technologists are projected each year, on average, over the decade. Many of those openings are expected to result from the need to replace workers who transfer to different occupations or exit the labor force, such as to retire.



Programmatic Outcomes

Annual Graduation Rates
Year Rate Percentage
2023 100%
2022 100%
2021 100%
2020 No Cohort
2019 100%
Annual Retention Rates
Year Rate Percentage
2023 90%
2022 80%
2021 100%*
2020 No Cohort
2019 80%


Annual Job Placement Rates
Year Rate Percentage
2023 100%
2022 100%
2021 90%
2020 No Cohort
2019 100%


Annual ARRT Credential Pass Rate
Year Rate Percentage
2023 89%
2022 100%
2021 90%
2020 No Cohort*
2019 82%*

*Outcome heavily impacted by COVID-19 shutdowns.